Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I'm Back

So I've been inactive in blogging for nearly a year, obviously can be seen at the previous post, how long have I not post, compare to my previous lifestyle, and I posted almost everyday. Not to say about lifeless previously, its just that I'm getting lazy and there's nothing to post much about, compare to other bloggers with their bombastic description.... or maybe.... "sensory language". Gosh, how much "Creative and Feature writing for the media" had affected my perspective on describing things, my sem 3 subject.....

One hell of a busy Semester 3 I had there. Glad it was over, but it was fun at the same time.... getting know more about my classmates/friends... hangout with them more compare to my previous semester and not to forget my College life in KDU, with those dramas I hate to get involve to.

Sometimes, we have got to change a part of our life to make things better. You dont have to change it completely, but the minor changes actually change alot. And Im happy with my life now ^^